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Son of Forgotten Hollywood Forgotten History: Starring More Great Characters Actors of Hollywood's Golden Age |
Author(s) | Manny Pacheco | Availability: | Currently out of stock. Please submit your email address to receive instant email notification when this item returns to stock. (Once only notification - no mailing lists, and not shared with any third parties.) Alternatively, you can check current Amazon US availability, who may be able to supply item. | Our Reputation: | We're rated 98% in over 100,000 customer reviews | | |
| Bibliographic details for this title: | Description: | Son of Forgotten Hollywood Forgotten History is the long anticipated sequel to the award-winning Forgotten Hollywood Forgotten History, and it tells more rarely shared American stories through the eyes of 21 character actors of Hollywood's Golden Age, including Frank Morgan, Peter Lorre, Cesar Romero, Majorie Main, Andy Devine, Alan Hale Sr., Leo Gorcey, Jack Carson, and Lon Chaney Jr. Son of Forgotten Hollywood Forgotten History is part of the Forgotten Hollywood Book-Series, and it's officially in gift stores, bookshops, and iconic locations, such as the Hollywood Heritage Museum. For further insight, visit (Danforth Book Distribution) | ISBN | 1937454142 | ISBN-13 / EAN: | 9781937454142 | Binding: | Paperback | Dimensions (inches): | 8.90 (H) x 5.90 (W) x 0.20 (D) | Publisher: | Book Publishers Network | Date of Publication: | Jan 1, 2012 | Pages: | 161 | Dewey Decimal Classification: | 791 | Library of Congress Classification: | PN | Product Genre/Category: | Performing Arts / Film & Video / History & Criticism |
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