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Snakes Wear Socks |
Author(s) | Chandler-isacksen, Kyle / Chandler-isacksen Katy / Hullinger, C. D. (Illustrator) | Availability: | Currently out of stock. Please submit your email address to receive instant email notification when this item returns to stock. (Once only notification - no mailing lists, and not shared with any third parties.) Alternatively, you can check current Amazon US availability, who may be able to supply item. | Our Reputation: | We're rated 98% in over 100,000 customer reviews | | |
| Bibliographic details for this title: | Description: | The dryer isn't stealing your socks, snakes are. At least, they are stealing Jeremy's. In Snakes Wear Socks, Kyle & Katy Chandler-Isacksen tell a delightful story of a little boy on a quest to find his missing socks. We meet little Jeremy just as the leaves are changing and autumn is sending a crisp chill through the land. Pumpkins are being picked. Soccer balls are flying. And Jeremy wants to play outside. He reaches into his drawer for his favorite pair of socks (the ones with the stars on them) but can only find one of them. He asks his Grandpa for advice. “But Pop!” Jeremy protests. “Snakes don't wear socks!” Follow along in Snakes Wear Socks and be surprised by the curious mystery that unfolds. It is beautifully illustrated by long-time children's book artist CD Hullinger, and perfect for bedtime or a blustery autumn afternoon. Snakes Wear Socks will delight young ones with its color, playfulness and silliness. (Martin Pearl Pub) | ISBN | 0981482295 | ISBN-13 / EAN: | 9780981482293 | Binding: | Paperback | Dimensions (inches): | 8.25 (H) x 10.50 (W) x 0.25 (D) | Publisher: | Martin Pearl Pub | Date of Publication: | Nov 11, 2011 | Pages: | 32 | Minimum Audience/Grade Level: | Children's - Grade 2-3, Age 7-8 | Dewey Decimal Classification: | E | Library of Congress Classification: | PZ | Product Genre/Category: | Juvenile Fiction / Animals / Reptiles & Amphibians |
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